Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. Setting the Primary Accounting Package Selecting the primary...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. This is your Integrated Gateway system. What exactly is a ...
Invoice Image Data
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. Select Default Invoice PDF This setting allows you to set a...
Pay Now
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. What is "Pay Now"? “Pay Now” enables your clients to pay invo...
Internal: Payment Methods
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. This section allows you to select which Payment Methods are gl...