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QuoteWerks & QuoteValet Field Mapping
This document is tailored to using ConnectWise Manage, and QuoteWerks/QuoteValet.
For Part 1 & 3, Please first visit:
ConnectWise Manage Custom Field Mapping
Part 2:
In order to have the URL automatically injected when a Quote is published, you will now need to map QuoteWerks to use this new Custom Field.
DataLink Setup
Inside of QuoteWerks, navigate to Contacts + Setup Contact Manager.
Select the ConnectWise option, and DataLink Setup.
Add a new mapping as shown in the image below:
1. CRMOppHeader_CreateUpdate
2. Pick the &DH_&QuoteValetCustomerFacingURL data point to "Write out to External System" (ConnectWise)
3. Map the URL data to the Custom Field you created earlier.
That's it on the QuoteWerks side!
Please proceed to Step 3 in the original article to finish setup within the ConnectBooster portal.
Note: "Customer Quote URL" was used as the Field Caption in this example, but feel free to label this as desired.