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User story:
Some clients of ours need more control on exactly the version of invoice their clients can see. Often times, this is due to needing more detail on an invoice for complete billing transparency.
This feature is offered to help provide your own copy of an invoice, simply by passing a URL with the invoice number.
As an example, some customers have opted to use a tool such as "SelectPDF" for PDF document conversion, as it renders documents across a wide spectrum of devices. It also features a HTML-to-PDF API for direct integration into .NET applications.
Deploying the Invoices and Configuring ConnectBooster
Example, you may want to send invoices generated via your tool via FTP. Preferably, your organization would want the process to automatically run in the background as the new invoices are added to your accounting system.
The document repository may be a semi-public directory on your web server where invoice PDFs are stored indefinitely, so customers can access them at any point in the future. ConnectBooster allows you to ensure security by IP address whitelisting, where only ConnectBooster systems can access the repository.
Whatever software you choose, it is ideal to save each PDF filename as the invoice number it represents. This pattern is consistent and ensures ConnectBooster can always match an invoice with its PDF document, assuming one exists. The ConnectBooster Custom Integration tool allows the administrator to specify where the files are stored.
Use this command to provide a custom invoice image as a PDF document. The custom invoice image is displayed when an invoice is viewed. Configuration:
- Please contact ConnectBooster support to add a Custom Integration. Once done, you may add the "GetInvoiceImage" command.
The "Token" you will need to pass is the: InvoiceNumber.
Be sure to take note of the reference in the URL path in the above example.
This is a variable that the system replaces with an actual invoice number a customer wishes to view during run-time.
For this reason, your file names and locations must always be consistent for the integration to work. Note: the variable does not include its own “.pdf” file extension, so remember to add it if that's your invoice format.
- Next, go to Settings --> Configurations --> Billing
- Under Invoice Image Data, enable the Invoice Image from the Custom Integration. Save your changes.