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Filter - Allows the ability to filter the list by status, payment date, company, payment ID and payment amount. Deleting the text in the field resets the filter to the full list.
Date Range Filter - The date range for the resolved payments. All unresolved payments will be listed.
Payment Status - see the table below for explanations of the various statuses
Date - Date payment was submitted.
Company - The company that the payment was made to
Payment ID - The payment ID or charge ID for the payment
Payment Amount - Amount of the payment
- View Invoice - View the details of the invoice
- Edit Invoice - Edit the invoice so that the payment amount and invoice amount match, allowing it to be submitted to the accounting integration
- Dismiss - Dismisses the payment from needing further action. No invoice or payment will be submitted to accounting integration
- Cancel Sync - Prevents an invoice from being submitted to the accounting product
- Undo Dismiss - Moves the payment back to an Incomplete or Pending Invoice state
Payment Status | Description | Resolved? | Steps to Resolve | |
Complete | The payment has successfully synced to the primary accounting provider. | Yes | ||
Pending Sync | The payment is flagged to sync to the accounting provider. The payment will move to Complete status when successfully synced. | No | No user action required. The payment will resolve after a successful accounting provider sync and move to Complete. The sync can be canceled and will reset the status to Incomplete. | |
Incomplete | The payment requires an invoice matching the payment amount. To resolve, an invoice must be created and submitted to sync with the accounting provider. | No | The customer will need to edit the invoice, matching the item total to the payment total. Once this is complete, the payment can be submitted. Submitting the payment will flag both the invoice and payment to sync to the primary accounting provider. The status is then moved to Pending Sync. Incomplete payments can also be Dismissed if the customer has no intention of resolving. | |
Dismissed | The payment has been ignored. | Yes | ||
| The payment has a vendor invoice but has not synced with the accounting provider. | No | No user action required. The payment will resolve after a successful accounting provider sync and move to Complete. This status can be moved to Dismissed Pending Invoice. | |
Dismissed Pending Invoice | A payment with a pending invoice that has been ignored. | Yes | ||
Return | The payment is a return with a negative dollar amount. | No | Returns can only be dismissed and moved to Dismissed Return. The customer is responsible for resolving these payments in their accounting package. | |
Dismissed Return | A return that has been ignored. | Yes |