Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below.
The summary of an invoice can be viewed from multiple areas including Invoice History, Open Invoices, AutoPay Approval, among other places. Details on an invoice summary include:
- Due Date
- Total
- Open Balance
- Purchase Order #
- Transaction Date
- Invoice attributes including if the invoice is pending payment, has a scheduled payment, or meets criteria for an AutoPay rule
- A summary of payments applied to the invoice
- A description of matching AutoPay rules
Actions available on an invoice summary include:
- Pay (shown when there is a remaining balance on the invoice)
- View - Shows a rendering of the invoice based on the Invoice Image Data setting in the Billing configuration
- Email Invoice (tenant administrators) - An invoice notification will be sent to the company's Default Contacts with the ability to add additional recipients not listed as a default contact. This email uses the Invoice Notification template found in the Organization Emails configuration.
- View Email History (tenant administrators) - View all email history associated to the invoice -- Invoice Notifications, Account Summary, etc.
- Comment Tab: The comment tab can be used by your clients should they have a question on a particular invoice. NOTE: ConnectBooster is not a two-way form of communication, so you will not be able to reply to your clients through the portal and these comments will NOT be stored. It is just a way to get the conversation started should questions come up on your client side.
The recipients of these notifications are managed under Configurations + Internal Settings + Notifications.