Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below.
Turning on Service related functions
Navigate to Configurations --> Service
Service Integration
Configure Primary integration for service/ticketing
- Select which "boards" or "queues" clients have access to.
- Clients must still have a "Profile" with security clearance to access service ticket functions.
These are "GLOBAL" settings for the entire portal.
Ex., each client "Profile" must still have the appropriate security level/privileges to use the settings:
- Create Ticket
- allows your clients to create new service items (only for the selected boards)
- View Ticket
- allows your clients to view existing service items, but NOT create new tickets (only for the selected boards)
Suggested Use case scenario:
- Allowing a "one-stop-shop" for all service and billing related functions, without clients needing to login to separate portals.