Custom Field Mapping with Sell

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ConnectWise Sell & Order Porter Field Mapping

This document is the tailored ConnectWise Sell specific setup article.

Note: the options below will NOT be available with the Sell Basic tier

For Part 1 & 3, Please visit:

ConnectWise Manage Custom Field Mapping

Part 2: Sell & Order Porter Setup

In order to have the URL automatically injected when a Quote is published, you will now need to map Order Porter to use this new Custom Field.

Login to Sell via Administrative user.

Navigate to Settings > CRM Integration > Opportunity Settings > Custom Opportunity Mappings

If step 1 has been completed correctly, you should already see a field named ‘Customer Quote URL’. 

In line with the Customer Quote URL field, select OrderPorterURL in the dropdown menu and select Save.

That's it! Proceed to Step 3 to finish setup within the ConnectBooster portal.


  • The link will not generate until after the quote has been published and sent to the organization. 
  • Information is only pushed to Manage when the user updates the opportunity, so if the link does not populate the Manage field you may to resave the Opportunity.
  • The field will not be visible in a quotes UI, it will only be accessible from the mapping screens.