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#1 Post Install Homework
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Homework checklist We've seen a lot in our time with ConnectBooster. Take a look at some common ConnectBooster Objections and how to address them with your clients.
Authorization Forms
TIP: You can also create a single authorization page which lists both forms of payment, if your organization is accepting both credit card and ACH based payments
Authorization Form – ACH - PDF
Authorization Form – ACH - Microsoft Word
When to Use: The ACH Authorization Form is best used when introducing ACH as a payment method for recurring monthly payments. Having a signed authorization grants you as the service provider permission to charge their bank account for recurring payments during a period of time.
Where to Use: The ACH Authorization Form can be added to your Ad Cards (more info on Ad Card Best Practices) so your clients can access it directly from their customer portal. This is also a great way to drive your clients to log in to the portal and begin looking around.
Authorization Form – CC - PDF
Authorization Form – CC - Microsoft Word
When to Use: The CC Authorization Form is best used when introducing CC as a payment method for recurring monthly payments. Having a signed authorization grants you as the service provider permission to charge their credit card for recurring payments during a period of time.
Where to Use: The CC Authorization Form can be added to your Ad Cards (more info on Ad Card Best Practices) so your clients can access it directly from their customer portal. This is also a great way to drive your clients to log in to the portal and begin looking around.
Overview Brochure
Organization facing flyer style handout, useful in email announcements or newsletters.
Portal Overview Brochure - PDF
Portal Overview Brochure - Microsoft Word
Portal Guide
Attachment – Portal Introduction Guide
When to Use: The end user portal guide should be used when you are first rolling out ConnectBooster to your clients. This guide will give your clients a quick overview of the most important areas on their customer portal (i.e., how to make a payment on an open invoice, how to search for an open invoice, etc.)
Where to Use: The best place to use the end user portal guide would be as an ad card on the customer portal. This way as you are rolling out ConnectBooster to your clients, they can simply click the ad card and be directed to the portal guide to learn how to make payments toward any open invoices. You can also send this PDF directly to your clients via the introduction or cultural announcement emails.
Organization Letters
Email Template – Payment Security Email Response
When to Use: The Payment Security Email Response should be used when introducing your clients to the portal. It is used to provide additional supported information on the benefits of using a PCI compliant platform to process their payments.
Where to Use: We recommend using this email template when your clients request additional information regarding the safety of your newly implemented online Payments Portal.
Email Template – AutoPay Incentive Letter
When to Use: You should view, edit and use the autopay incentive letter when you would like to make a company announcement to your clients that a new incentive to enroll your clients on an autopay platform.
Where to Use: The autopay incentive letter should be used when it is determined to be the best tactic for getting your clients enrolled in autopay through your ConnectBooster portal. This letter is simply a baseline for you to begin working through the internal structure you would like to use to incentivize your client base to enroll in autopay.
Email Template - Introduction Letter
Email Template – Cultural Announcement
Email Template - Announcement Email
Email Template - Announcement Reminder
When to Use: Use the introduction letter, cultural announcement, and announcement email templates when you are first rolling out ConnectBooster to your clients. It is recommended to communicate and introduce your new payments portal to your clients using an email they are familiar with receiving communication from you. This way they are able to anticipate any email communications sent from your new portal.
Where to Use: These email templates should be used when introducing your clients to the ConnectBooster portal. The overall tone of each is slightly different so you can make the determination of which you would prefer to use when communicating the new portal to your clients.
System Data Flow Diagrams
ConnectBooster Invoice & Payment Cycle - Visual explanation how Invoices & Payments typically synchronize from CRM/PSA → Accounting → ConnectBooster
ConnectBooster High Level Workflow - Broad system overview, including the Gateway payment engine.