Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm LoginWithToken Command Use this command to allow another appl...
Last Updated: 01/31/2024
in FAQ
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm Best Practices for Securing Your Accounts with ConnectBooster...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in Organizations
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm The calendar shows a visual interpretation on when upcoming pa...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm This area controls what permissions employee or internal staff...
Last Updated: 01/31/2024
in Organizations
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm To grant access, you will need to direct to the organization d...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in Organizations
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm This includes any payments you or your customer have recently ...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm User story: Some clients of ours need more control on exactly...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in Organizations
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm A Scheduled Payment is a payment that has been manually arra...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in Organizations
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm Organization Overview Balance This is simply the quick vie...
Last Updated: 02/02/2024
in Organizations
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm You may view current open or old invoices from the tenant admi...