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The instructions listed below are an alternative to using "Admin" as the Role ID, when configuring the ConnectWise Manage Member for integrating with ConnectBooster. While ConnectBooster does NOT require "ADMIN" permissions, it does simplify and expedite the configuration process.
Note: ConnectBooster development typically tests with "Admin" type role access. This helps ensure future proofing, for any ConnectWise API updates or new features ConnectBooster may release.
NOTE: The configurations as shown in this video, represent the settings necessary as of 2/5/2020. Unless otherwise noted, there is no guarantee they represent a comprehensive setup after that point.
*Video Addendum*:
In October of 2020 ConnectWise released a new version which address a requirement for the “Inquire Level” of the “Report Writer” module found under the “System” section to be set to ALL. This is necessary for customers who wish to have the portal pull custom invoice images which are rendered using the new Report Writer options of Manage.
Text Instructions:
Security Role
Navigate to System + Security Roles. Create new, or modify an existing Security Role.
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- Company Maintenance
- Company/Contact Group Maintenance
- Contacts
- Reports
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- Agreement Invoicing
- Agreement Sales
- Agreements
- Billing View Time
- Company Finance
- Invoice Approval
- Invoicing
- Reports
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- Product Billable Option
- Product Catalog
- Products
- Reports
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- Closed Opportunity
- Opportunity
- Opportunity Finance
- Reports
Service Desk
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- Close Service Tickets
- Reports
- Service Ticket - Dependencies
- Service Tickets
- Service Tickets - Finance
Set "Add and Edit Level" to ALL for:
- Service Tickets
- Service Tickets - Finance
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- API Reports
- Manage Hosted API
- My Company
- Report Writer
- System Reports
- Table Setup
Set "Add and Edit Level" to ALL for:
- Manage Hosted API
- Table Setup
Time & Expense
Set "Inquire Level" to ALL for:
- Reports
- Time Entry
- Time Entry Billable Option
Congratulations! You have finished the setup of a custom Security Role, tailored for use by ConnectBooster. Follow below for the next step of assigning this new role to a dedicated ConnectWise Manage Member.
ConnectWise Member Setup:
Setting up the ConnectWise Manage integration
In the step of the "Role ID", simply select the new custom role created from the above steps.