Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm Navigate to Configurations + Client Users + Client Profiles ...
Enable two-factor authentication for your ConnectBooster account
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm This section configures which email messages are sent to the ...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm This area controls what permissions employee or internal staff...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm Grant access to other team members Navigate to Configurations...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm This section allows you to select which Payment Methods are gl...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm What is "Pay Now"? “Pay Now” enables your clients to pay invo...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm Select Default Invoice PDF This setting allows you to set a...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm This is your Integrated Gateway system. What exactly is a ...
Exciting news! Our ConnectBooster Support documentation is moving to a new location. Be sure to bookmark the new link below. https://help.cb.kaseya.com/help/Content/0-HOME/Home.htm Setting the Primary Accounting Package Selecting the primary...